There is evidence of a Church dating from 1680.
New York Governor, Robert Hunter,
issued a license to the Dutch congregation in 1714.
In 1715 the "New North Church" was built.
It prospered in Colonial Times until,
in the American Revolution, it became a British barracks,
was damaged by fire, and finally blew down in a storm.

In 1680 the present church site was owned by Edward Arrowsmith
as seen on Frederick Skene's Map of Colonial Land Patents
created in 1907. There are traces of a church built at that time.
This page from the Voorlezer's Book confirms
Jane Arrowsmith was married to Hans Christopher.
Morris's Memorial History of Staten Island describes Edward Arrowsmith:
The family is of English descent. Thomas and Edward lived on Staten Island during the first half of the 18th century. There is every indication that they were aristocratic in their manner of living. Thomas commanded a company of militia in the Colonial service and was also a judge in this county. The Arrowsmiths were related to the Christophers by marriage. The name is entirely extinct at this time on Staten Island.
the octagonal 1715 Church was constructed of wood

A 20th Century architect's rendering from the plan
Seating Diagram made in 1751.

In this diagram, made in 1751, are written the names for the congregation at that time, the men being seated around the wall and the women in the center. The deed for the land is dated 1721 in the name of Dirck Hooglandt. Deeds for land followed, instead of preceded, construction.

In 1922, a red sandstone block measuring 9 inches by 19 inches, inscribed with the initials “H.K.” and “G.K.” and the date 1715 was discovered in the graveyard and is now on display in the 1844 Church.
This is thought to be the cornerstone of the first 1715 Church and the initials are generally assumed to be those of Henderyck Krossen and his nephew Garret Kruse, who are thought to be the “master builders” of the first church.